Java Tutorial

String in Java

Strings In Java with Examples

What is a String in Java?

String can be defined as a sequence of characters i.e ‘Hello World” can be called String because it is made by sequence of characters.

In Java, a string is an object that represents a sequence of characters. It is a fundamental data type used to store and manipulate textual data. Strings in Java are instances of the java.lang.String class, which is a part of the Java Standard Library.

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String in Java

1 - How to Declare String in java?

In java String can be declare by two ways

  1. By new Keyword
  2. By String literal
  1. By new Keywork.

                     Java String is created by using a keyword “new”. With new keyword an Object of type String class is created inside memory.

public class STRING {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s=new String(“Hello World”);




Hello World

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String s=new String (“Hello World”) in this line of code new keywork create object of class name String and Pass “Hello World” String to its constructor, a constructor create object in side heap memory and reference of that object is saved inside variable name s of type String.


In above picture new keyword create String class object in heap memory area having initialized value is “Hellow World” and its memory address is stored inside String variable name s which is created on Stack Memory Area.

  1. By String literal

                 public class STRING {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s=“Hello World”;




Hello World

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String s= “Hello World” in this line of code a String “Hello World” is created on String pool area inside Heap Memory Area and its reference is saved inside variable name s of type String.Programming Assignment help

In above picture new keyword create String class object in heap memory area having initialized value is “Hellow World” and its memory address is stored inside String variable name s which is created on Stack Memory Area.

In java String can be declared in two ways

  1. By new Keyword
  2. By String literal
  1. By new Keyword.

                     Java String is created by using the keyword “new”. With a new keyword, an Object of type String class is created inside memory.

public class STRING {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s=new String(“Hello World”);




Hello World

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String s=new String (“Hello World”) in this line of code new keywork create object of class name String and Pass “Hello World” String to its constructor, a constructor creates an object in side heap memory and the reference of that object is saved inside variable name s of type String.

In the above picture new keyword creates a String class object in the heap memory area having an initialized value is “Hellow World” and its memory address is stored inside String variable name s which is created on the Stack Memory Area.

  1. By String literal

                 public class STRING {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s=“Hello World”;




Hello World

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String s= “Hello World” in this line of code a String “Hello World” is created on String pool area inside Heap Memory Area and its reference is saved inside variable name s of type String.Programming Assignment help

In the above picture new keyword creates a String class object in the heap memory area having an initialized value is “Hellow World” and its memory address is stored inside String variable name s which is created on the Stack Memory Area.

  • By String literal

                 public class STRING {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s=“Hello World”;




Hello World

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String s= “Hello World” in this line of code a String “Hello World” is created on String pool area inside Heap Memory Area and its reference is saved inside variable name s of type String.Programming Assignment help

In the above picture “Hello World” String is created inside the String Pool Area of Heap Memory Area and its Reference is Stored inside variable name s of Type String which is created on Stack Memory Area.

2 - What is the difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder?

String is immutable while StringBuffer and StringBuilder are mutable, when we say immutable then it means we cannot modify the Content of the Variables at run time.

  • Why String is immutable?

public class STRING {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s=“Hello World”;

            s=”how are you”;




how are you

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When this line String s=”Hello World”; execute a “Hello World” String created in String pool area inside Heap Memory Area and reference is saved inside variable name s whose type is string, after this when s=”how are you”; line execute by compiler than a new string “how are you” is created on String pool area and its reference is saved inside s variable, now s variable is pointing out on newly created string “how are you” and old string “Hello World” is dereferenced and will clean out by garbage collector routine.

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  1. Why StringBuffer/StringBuilder are Mutable?

In mutable every time when you modify the string there is no need to crate new string on Heap memory area, it’s just modified old content with new once.

StringBuffer and StringBuilder are mutable objects in Java. They provide append(), insert(), delete(), and substring() methods for String manipulation.

public class StringBuffer {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(“Hello “);





Hello World

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When StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(“Hello “); line is executed a String “Hello “ is created on Heap Memory Area and reference is stored inside variable sb of type StringBuffer, now after that when sb.append(“World”) line executed than String “World” is concatenated with String Hello on Heap Memory Area.

3 - How to concatenate String in java?

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  1. When we create String with new keywork using classes StringBuffer or StringBuilder than we use append method of these class to concatenate the two strings.

public class StringConcatinate {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer (“Hello “);





Hello World

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  1. When we create a string using string literal then there are 2 methods to concatenate the string
  • Using + operator
  • Using concat() method
  • Using + operator

      public class StringConcatinate {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s1= “Hello“;

            String s2=”World”;

            String s3=s1+s2;




Hello World

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  • Using concat() method

public class StringConcatinate {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s1= “Hello“;

            String s2= “World“;

            String s3= s1.concat(s2);




Hello World

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when we concatenate String using + operator or concate() function a new string  Hellow World” is created inside String pool Area and its reference is saved inside variable name s3 of type String created on Stack Memory Area.

  1. Why equals () method of the String class is used in Java?

equals () method belongs to the String class, which is used to compare the content of two string variables.

public class EQUAL {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s1= “Hello“;

            String s2= “Hello“;



            System.out.println(“s1 contents are equal to s2”);




s1 contents are equal to s2

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In the above code, s1 variable and s2 variable both contain String Hello, and the equals() method compares the contents of both variables in the side if condition which is true because both contain String Hello, so if the condition becomes true and “s1 contents are equal to s2” message printout on the console.

4 - What is the Difference between ‘==’ operator and ‘equal ()’ method in Java?

equal() method is used to compare contents of the two variables while == operator is used to compare memory addresses of the two variables

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   String s1 = “Hello”;

            String s2 = “Hello”;

when String s1 = “Hello”; line execute then a String Hello is created inside String pool area on Heap and memory address of String “Hello” is stored inside variable s1 which is 0x12343, now when String s2 = “Hello”; is executed then what jvm (java virtual machine) does here it can not create another “Hello” String on String pool Area, rather then it first check whether String “Hello” is already created on String pool area or not if yes then it store memory address of that “Hello” String which is 0x12343 inside s2 variable, now both s1 and s2 are pointing to same memory address inside String pool memory Area.

If (s1 == s2)  this if condition compare the memory addresses saved inside s1 and s2 variables which is 0x12343 .

If( s1.equals(s2)) while this if condition compare contents saved at 0x12343 memory address which is Hello. 

So == operator is used to compare the memory address while equals() method is used to actually compare the contents which is saved at that memory address.

  1. How we find the Length of the String in Java?

length() method of String class is used to count the number of characters inside String.

public class StringLength {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s= “Hello World“;

            int charLength= s.length();






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In the above code snippet s.length() return the length of String “Hello World” which is 11 including white space also.

  1. How to compare case-insensitive string in java?

For case-insensitive string comparisons java use String class method equalsIgnoreCase() which return true if both String are equal and if not than return false.

public class StringComparison {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s1= “HELLO WORLD“;

            String s2= “hello world“;

            boolean res=s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2);






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In the above code snippet s1 variable contain upper letter string while s2 contain string with lower case letters, code line s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2) compare both variables contents, ignoring upper or lower case and if both strings are equal than it return true and if string are not equal than return false.

  1. How to extract a substring from a string in java?

To get sub string from string java use subString() function of String class.

subString() function take 2 arguments startIndex and endIndex.

startIndex :  starting index is inclusive

endIndex : ending index is exclusive

public class SubString {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            String s1= “HELLO WORLD“;

            String s2= s1.subString(0,5);






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In the above code snippet s1 variable contain String “HELLO WORLD”.

s1.subString(0,5) return sub string starting form 0 index and ending at 4 index which is HELLO while index 5 is exclusive.













5 - How we divide the string into array of substrings in Java?

The split() method divides the string at the specified regex and returns an array of substrings.

public class SplitMethod {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    String textStr = hellow world, creating java tutorials, become a programmer is my dream“;

    String[] result = textStr.split(“,”);

    for (String str : result) {






hellow world

creating java tutorials

become a programmer is my dream

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In the above code snippet textStr variable contain string which is separated by commas. textString.split(“,”) line spilt the string at the position where comma occurred and convert the string into array.


6 – How do I convert a string to uppercase or lowercase?


To convert lower case to upper case java use toUpperCase() function of the String class and to convert upper case to lower case java use toLowerCase() function of the string class.

public class UpperLowerCase {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String txt = “Hello World“;







hello world

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In the above code snippet txt string contain “Hello World” String, toUpperCase() function convert “Hello World” to all Upper case letters while function toLowerCase() convert it to all lower case letters.


7 – How can I remove whitespace from the beginning and end of a string in Java?


trim() function of String class is used for removing of whitespace from the beginning and end of a string in java.

public class Trim {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String txt = “  Hello World  “;






Hello World

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In the above code snippet trim() function remove whitespace from start and end of the String “Hello World”


8 – How we can get specific character from the String in Java?


charAt() is the String class function which return the character at specific index. charAt() function take index as an argument and return character which is at that index.

public class CharAt {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String txt = “Hello World”;

    char res=txt.charAt(7);






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In the above code snippet charAt(7) function take index 7 as an argument and return the character at index 7 which is o.

























At index 5 there is whitespace.


9 – How can I replace characters in a string?

To replace characters in string java use replace() function of String class, replace(old_string, new_string) function take 2 arguments 1st one old_sting and 2nd is new_string.

     replace function replace old_string with new_string.

public class ReplaceString {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String txt = “Hello World“;

        txt = txt.replace(“World”, “Man”);





Hello Man

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In the above code snippet replace(“World”,”Man”) function taking  argument “World” which is old_string and “Man” which is new_string, function replace old_string with new_string


10 – How to Converting String into numeric Data Type in java?

Java String class provide two ways to convert String into numeric data types.

  1. Integer.parsInt()  function
  2. Integer.valueOf() function
  1. Integer.parsInt()

This method returns the string as a primitive type int.

public class ParseInt{

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String txt = “30“;

        int parsValue = Integer.parseInt(txt);






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In above code snippet txt variable contain 30 as string, while Integer.parseInt(txt) convert this string into int value and saved inside parsValue variable.

  1. Integer.valueOf()

This method returns the string as an integer object.

       public class ValueOf{

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String txt = “30“;

        Integer parsValue = Integer.valueOf(txt);






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In the above code snippet Integer.valueOf(txt) return Integer object of value 30, which is saved inside variable parsValue.

Other function used for converting string to numeric values.




Convert string to decimal primitive value


Convert string to decimal class object


Convert string to float primitive value


Convert string to float class object


Q & A (Questions And Answers)

String can be defined as a sequence of characters, that’s makes a word or sentence.

Example “Hello World” can be called String because it is made by sequence of characters.

There are 2 ways to declare a String in java

  1. By new Keyword
  2. By String literal

By using “new” keyword the String were created on Heap Memory area.

String is immutable in java because we cannot modify or change the value of string once its created-on memory. If we change or modify the value of string then a new copy of whole the string is created on memory area and old one is removed by garbage collector routine.

StringBuffer and StringBuilder are mutable in java because when we create string using StringBuilder or StringBuffer then its created-on memory area once, after that we can change or modify the original string without creating again on memory area.

append() method is used to concatenate the String when String is created by using StringBuilder or StringBuffer class

We use + operator to concatenate the String in java when we create string using string literal.

==” operator is used to compare memory addresses of the two variables.

equal() method is used for comparing the content of two variables.

length() method  of String class is used to find the length of String in Java.

equalsIgnoreCase() method is used to compare case-insensitive string in java , it’s return true when both string are equal.

subString() method of String class is used to extract sub string from string in java it’s takes startIndex and endIndex as arguments

split() Method of String class is used to divide the string into array of substrings in Java.

toUpperCase() function is used to convert the string into all upper case letters.

toLowerCase() function is used to convert the string into all lower case letters.

trim() function of String class is used for removing of whitespace from the beginning and end of a string in java.

charAt() is the String class function which return the character at specific index. charAt() function take index as an argument and return character which is at that index.

replace() function is used for replacing the character inside String in java. replace() function take 2 arguments 1st one old_sting and 2nd is new_string.

  • Java String class provides two ways to convert String into numeric data types.
  • Integer.parsInt()  function
  • Integer.valueOf() function

Strings In Java with Examples Read More »

Java Operators

Java Operators

Java Operators

Operators are used to perform different operations on variables and values. In Java operators can be divided into the following groups.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators

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Java Operators

(1)Arithmetic Operators in Java Operators

 Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables and data.

Operator Name Description Example
+ Addition It adds to values x+y
* Multiplication It multiplies to values x*y
- Subtraction It subtracts one value from other x-y
/ Division Divides on value by another one x+y
% Modulus Return the Divion Reminder x%y

+ Operator example

+ Operator example- Java Operator


Code Explanation
int x =12; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 12 inside it
int y =10; Declare variable name y with data type int and store 10 inside it.
int result= x+y; Adding value present inside x and y and the sum will be saved inside variable name result having data type int.
System.out.println(result); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name result which is 22 and print on the console.

* Operator example

* Operator example- Java Operator


Code Explanation
int x =6 Declare variable name x with data type int and store 6 inside it.
int y =3; Declare variable name y with data type int and store 3 inside it.
int result= x*y; Multiply value present inside x and y and the product will be saved inside variable name result having data type int.
System.out.println(result); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name result which is 18 and print on the console.

- Operator example

- Operator example -Java Operator


Code Explanation
int x =15 Declare variable name x with data type int and store 15 inside it.
int y =5; Declare variable name y with data type int and store 5 inside it.
int result= x-y; Subtract y from x and result will be saved inside variable name result having data type int
System.out.println(result); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name result which is 10 and print on the console.

/ Operator example

/ Operator example


Code Explanation
int x =20; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 20 inside it.
int y =5; Declare variable name y with data type int and store 5 inside it.
int result= x/y; Divide x with y and result will be saved inside variable name result having data type int
System.out.println(result); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name result which is 4 and print on the console.

% Operator example

% Operator example


Code Explanation
int x =22; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 22 inside it.
int y =5; Declare variable name y with data type int and store 5 inside it.
int result= x%y; Module x with y and reminder will be saved inside variable name result having data type int
System.out.println(result); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name result which is 2 and print on the console.

(2)Logical Operators in Java Operators

Logical operators are used to determine the logic between variables or values:

Operator Name Description Example
&& Logical and Returns true if both statements are true y > 3 && y< 100
||  Logical or Returns true if one of the statements is true x > 15 || x < 10
! Logical not Reverse the result, returns false if the result is true !(x > 5 && x < 20)

&& Operator

&& Operator


Code Explanation
int x =10; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 10 inside it. Declare variable name y with data type int and store 5 inside it.
if(x>5 && x<15){ Checking and condition, if x is greater than 5 and less than 15 which is true as x contain 10 which is greater then 5 and less then 15, so here && condition is true.
System.out.println("True"); As && condition is true so here True will be printed on the Screen.
System.out.println("False"); If && condition is false then False will be printed on the Screen.

|| Operator

|| Operator
Code Explanation
int x =10; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 10 inside it. Declare variable name y with data type int and store 5 inside it.
if(x>40 || x<5) Checking logically or condition, if x is greater than 40 or x is less than 5 which is false as x contain 10 which is less than 40 and greater than 5, so here || condition is false.
System.out.println("False"); As || condition is false so here False will be printed on the Screen.
System.out.println("True"); If || condition is true then True will be printed on the Screen.

! Operator

! Operator


Code Explanation
int x =50; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 50 inside it.Declare variable name y with data type int and store 5 inside it.
if(!(x>40)) Checking logically not condition, if x is greater than 40 is true because x contain 50 now as we using logical not ! operator so it’s return false
System.out.println("False"); As ! condition return false because x>40 return true, so False will be printed on the screen.
System.out.println("True"); If x>40 return false than ! operator returns true and True will be printed on the screen.

(3)Assignment Operators in Java Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.

Operator Example Equal To
= x=10 x=10
+= x+=4 x=x+4
*= x *=4 x=x*4
-= x-=6 x=x-6
/= x /=2 x = x/2
%= x%2 x=x%2

= Operator

= Operator, Java Operator


Code Description
int x =50; = Operate assign the value to x which is 50
System.out.println(x); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name x which contain value 50 and print on the console.

+= Operator

+= Operator, Java Operator-Learn coding help


Code Description
int x =50; = Operate assign the value to x which is 50
x+=4 x+=4 is equal to x=x+4 so as x=50 and x=50+4, so now x contains 54.
System.out.println(x); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name x which contain value 54 and print on the console.

*= Operator

*= Operator, Java Operator


Code Description
int x =50; = Operate assign the value to x which is 50
x*=4 x*=4 is equal to x=x*4 so as x=50 and x=50*4, so now x contains 200.
System.out.println(x); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name x which contain value 200 and print on the console.

-= Operator

-= Operator


Code Description
int x =50; = Operate assign the value to x which is 50
x-=4 x-=4 is equal to x=x-4 so as x=50 and x=50-4, so now x contains 46.
System.out.println(x); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name x which contain value 46 and print on the console.

/= Operator

/= Operator, Java Operator-Learn Java Coding


Code Description
int x =50; = Operate assign the value to x which is 50
x/=2 x/=2 is equal to x=x/2 so as x=50 and x=50/2, so now x contains 25.
System.out.println(x); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name x which contain value 25 and print on the console.

%= Operator

%= Operator, Java Operator


Code Description
int x =23; = Operate assign the value to x which is 23
x%=2 x%=2 is equal to x=x%2 so as x=23 and x=23%2, so x contains 1 as the remainder is 1.
System.out.println(x); System.out.println() is the function which take argument name x which contain value 1 and print on the console.

(4)Comparison Operators in Java Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values stored inside variables.

Following comparison operators are used in java language.

Operator Name Description Example
== Equal to Checking value stored inside x variable is equal to value stored inside variable y. x == y
!= Not equal to Checking value stored inside x is not equal to value stored inside variable y. x != y
> Greater than Checking value stored inside x is greater than value stored inside variable y. x > y
< Less than Checking value stored inside x is less then value stored inside variable y. x < y
>= Greater Than or equal to Checking value stored inside x is equal to or greater than to value stored inside variable y. x >= y
<= Less than or equal to Checking value stored inside x is less than or equal to value stored inside variable y. x <= y

== Operator

== Operator, Java coding
Code Description
int x =23; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 23 inside it.
If (x == 23) == Operator checking whether value of x is equal to 23 or not which is true
System.out.println(“True”); System.out.println() function print the True on the screen because if( x == 23) condition is true.

!= Operator

!= Operator, Java Operator


Code Description
int x =30; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 30 inside it.
If (x != 25) != Operator checking whether value of x is not equal to 25 which is true
System.out.println(“True”); System.out.println() function print the True on the screen because if( x != 25) condition is true.

> Operator

> Operator, Java Operator


Code Description
int x =30; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 30 inside it.
If (x > 25) > Operator checking whether value of x is greater than 25 or not which is true
System.out.println(“True”); System.out.println() function print the True on the screen because ( x > 25) condition is true.

< Operator

< Operator, Java Operator


Code Description
int x =30; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 30 inside it.
If (x < 40) < Operator checking whether value of x is less than 40 or not which is true
System.out.println(“True”); System.out.println() function print the True on the screen because ( x < 40) condition is true.

>= Operator

>= Operator, Java Operator


Code Description
int x =30; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 30 inside it.
If (x => 40) => Operator checking whether value of x is greater than or equal to 40 which is true
System.out.println(“True”); System.out.println() function print the True on the screen because ( x >= 40) condition is true.

<= Operator

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Code Description
int x =30; Declare variable name x with data type int and store 30 inside it.
If (x <= 40) <= Operator checking whether value of x is less than or equal to 40 which is true
System.out.println(“True”); System.out.println() function print the True on the screen because ( x <= 40) condition is true.
Types of Operators in Java
  • Arithmetic Operators.
  • Unary Operators.
  • Assignment Operator.
  • Relational Operators.
  • Logical Operators.
  • Ternary Operator.
  • Bitwise Operators.
  • Shift Operators.

Operators are used to perform different operations on variables and values.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators

 Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on variables and data. it is like +,-*,/ and %

This query focuses on operators like ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >= used for comparing values and producing boolean results.


Learners often ask about &&, ||, and ! operators used to create complex boolean expressions and make decisions based on multiple conditions.


This query focuses on operators like =, +=, -=, *=, /=, and %= used to assign values and perform operations simultaneously.


Java Operators Read More »

Introduction to Java

Introduction to java

Introduction to java

Java is the most popular programming language, which was created in 1995 by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems.

Initially, java was called Oak, Since Oak was already a registered company, so James Gosling and his team changed the name from Oak to Java.

Java programming language is also called high-level programming language mean its code syntax is more readable and understandable to a human.

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Introduction to Java

Feature of Java


Java is often regarded as a relatively simple and beginner-friendly programming language, especially when compared to lower-level languages like C++ or assembly language. It was designed with a focus on readability, ease of use, and platform independence.

(2)OOP (Object Oriented Programming) language

Java is 99.9% an Object-Oriented Programming language, which means in Java everything is written in terms of classes and objects. 

What is Class?

A class is defined as a blueprint or template in Java which is used to create an object. We can create multiple objects from a single class.

What is Object?

The object is nothing but a real-world entity that can represent any person, place, or thing. Every object has some state and behavior associated with it. Following are some basic concepts of OOPs.

  • Class
  • Object
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation


(3)Platform Independent

Java is platform independent programming language what does its means that you can write code once, and run it anywhere.

Suppose a programmer writes a program on Window OS and builds the program and gets an executable jar file from the program now if he wants to run this executable jar file on any other OS Platform like Linux or Mac then it will run, he does not need to deploy code on Linux or Mac OS and then recompile the code for that particular OS like he does in case if he is using C, C++.

On compilation, the Java program is compiled into bytecode. This bytecode is platform-independent and can be run on any machine, plus this bytecode format also provides security. Any machine with Java Runtime Environment can run Java Programs.

Introduction to java


Java is often considered a secure programming language due to a combination of its design principles, features, and runtime environment. Here are some reasons why Java is perceived as a secure programming language:

a) Bytecode Compilation:

Java source code is compiled into bytecode, an intermediate form that is executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This bytecode is platform-independent and provides a layer of abstraction between the code and the underlying system, reducing the risk of direct system vulnerabilities.

b) Memory Management:

Java manages memory allocation and deallocation automatically through its garbage collection mechanism. This helps prevent common memory-related vulnerabilities like buffer overflows and memory leaks.

c) Classloader:

Java’s class loading mechanism ensures that only trusted and verified classes are loaded into the JVM. This prevents unauthorized code from being executed and mitigates risks associated with malicious code injection.

d) Exception Handling:

Java’s exception-handling mechanism helps prevent crashes by allowing developers to handle unexpected situations gracefully. This can reduce the risk of exposing sensitive information or causing security vulnerabilities due to unexpected errors.

e) Standard Libraries:

Java provides a comprehensive set of standard libraries for common programming tasks, such as input/output operations, cryptography, and network communication. These libraries are designed and maintained with security in mind, reducing the likelihood of vulnerabilities in common programming tasks.

f) Security APIs:

Java offers built-in security APIs for cryptography, secure communication (SSL/TLS), authentication, and access control. These APIs make it easier for developers to implement security features correctly.


Java is also called a multi-Threading programming language means a single program can execute many tasks at the same time. The main benefit of multithreading is to utilizes memory and other resources to execute multiple threads at the same time, like while you are typing on MS Word grammatical errors are checked along is the example of the multi-thread program.


Java is a Robust programming language because Java puts a lot of emphasis on early checking for possible errors, as Java compilers are able to detect many problems that would first show up during execution time in other languages.  Java has a strong memory allocation and automatic garbage collection mechanism. It provides a powerful exception-handling and type-checking mechanism as compared to other programming languages. The compiler checks the program whether there is any error and the interpreter checks any run time error and makes the system secure from the crash. All of the above features make the Java language robust.


Java is often used for developing distributed applications. Distributed computing refers to the use of multiple computers or nodes connected via a network to work together on a task. Java provides several features and libraries that make it well-suited for building distributed systems.

Types of Application which can develop in Java Programming Language

Java is a versatile programming language that can be used to develop a wide range of applications, from simple command-line tools to complex enterprise-level systems. Here are some types of applications that can be developed using Java:

  • Web Applications
  • Desktop Applications
  • Mobile Applications
  • Enterprise Applications
  • Distributed Systems Applications
  • Embedded Systems Applications
  • Game Developments
  • Web API’s
  • Financial Applications
  • Educational Applications

Most Asked Question On "Introduction to java"

Java is the most popular programming language, which was created in 1995 by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems.

Java programming language is also called high-level programming language mean its code syntax is more readable and understandable to a human.


Java is a versatile programming language that can be used to develop a wide range of applications, from simple command-line tools to complex enterprise-level systems. Here are some types of applications that can be developed using Java:

  • Web Applications
  • Desktop Applications
  • Mobile Applications
  • Enterprise Applications
  • Distributed Systems Applications
  • Embedded Systems Applications
  • Game Developments
  • Web API’s
  • Financial Applications
  • Educational Applications
Java was designed to be easy to use and is therefore easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. Java is object-oriented. This allows you to create modular programs and reusable code. Java is platform-independent these are the main features which makes java different from other languages.
Setting up a Java development environment involves several steps, including installing the Java Development Kit (JDK), configuring your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and optionally setting up a build tool like Apache Maven or Gradle. Here's a step wise guidelines:
  1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
  2. Set Up Environment Variables
  3. Choose an IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  4. Configure IDE

A variable can be thought of as a memory location that can hold values of a specific type.Variables allow you to give a meaningful name to a value, making it easier to refer to and work with that value throughout your code.

and A data type show the kind of values that a variable can hold. Java has two main categories of data types: primitive data types and reference data types.

  • Install Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • Set Up Your Development Environment
  • Write Your Java Code
  • Save Your Java File
  • Compile the Java Program
  • Run the Java Program:

OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming. Procedural programming, Java is fully object Oriented language  and it is about writing procedures or methods that perform operations on the data, while object-oriented programming is about creating objects that contain both data and methods.

The Imporent diffrence is JDK is for development purpose whereas JRE is for running the java programs. JDK and JRE both contains JVM so that we can run our java program. JVM is the heart of java programming language and provides platform independence.

Suppose a programmer writes a program on Window OS and builds the program and gets an executable jar file from the program now if he wants to run this executable jar file on any other OS Platform like Linux or Mac then it will run, he does not need to deploy code on Linux or Mac OS and then recompile the code for that particular OS like he does in case if he is using C, C++.

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