Library management system

Are you looking for Library management system for your final year project? Library Management System is a software built to handle the primary housekeeping functions of a library. Libraries rely on library management systems to manage asset collections as well as relationships with their members. In  this article Library management systems help libraries keep track of the books and their checkouts, as well as members’ subscriptions and profiles. This systems also involve maintaining the database for entering new books and recording books that have been borrowed with their respective due dates.

System Requirements

💡 Always clarify requirements at the beginning of the interview. Be sure to ask questions to find the exact scope of the system that the interviewer has in mind.

We will focus on the following set of requirements while designing the Library Management System:

  1. Any library member should be able to search books by their title, author, subject category as well by the publication date.
  2. Each book will have a unique identification number and other details including a rack number which will help to physically locate the book.
  3. There could be more than one copy of a book, and library members should be able to check-out and reserve any copy. We will call each copy of a book, a book item.
  4. System should be able to retrieve information like who took a particular book or what are the books checked-out by a specific library member.
  5. There should be a maximum limit (5) on how many books a member can check-out.
  6. you can keep maximum limit (10) on how many days a member can keep a book.
  7. The system should be able to collect fines for books returned after the due date.
  8. Members should be able to reserve books that are not currently available.
  9. This system should be able to send notifications whenever the reserved books become available, as well as when the book is not returned within the due date.
  10. Each book and member card will have a unique barcode. The system will be able to read barcodes from books and members’ library cards.

What is Library management System all About :

Organizing, and managing the library and library-related functions. It also maintains the database-related book and students and staff. It deletes and adds the functions into the database according to books that have been retrieved or issued, with their respective dates. The main aim of this project is to provide an easy-to-handle and automated library management system. 

 The administrator can easily update, delete and insert data in the database with this project,  following are some of the features provided by this project:
  1. The welcome page will be there
  2. You can issue books by the Online Portal
  3. You will get the option to search for a book online.
  4. Login portal for a student.
  5.  portal for staff members
  6. Login portal for administrator
  7. Colum  to request a new book
The main page for the student has different buttons to navigate to pages containing the date of issue, date of return, fine charges etc.
Columns for teachers to get the book issued if needed.
Requests column for teachers to ask for the introduction of new or essential books in the library.
Maintaining records of the librarian and other library staff.
There would be a feedback page students and staff both can give feedback there.

Software requirement for library management system:

  1. Java language
  2. Net beans IDE 7.0.1 or eclipse neon
  3. MySQL

Functional Requirement of library management system

On the other side, there are those that deal with all types of technical functioning of the system.
Library project meet each functional requirement.

Welcome page:

It will show the First welcome page for your Library management page

Login : 

After the welcome page, there will be a login page, User will get to know whether they have access to log in or not, at the time of login, and they will get the option to reset their password as well. If for any user these fields don’t match, then the user will not be allowed to use the system. For this, the user id is stored at the time of registration. After this authorization takes place, to know what all are the levels a particular user can access the Library management system.

User Sign-up Process: 

If someone wanted to access Library management system. If a User creates a new account. This system must verify all the user’s information, if the information will be invalid or incorrect then the entered information will be removed from the database.

Search operation:

Searching features would be for all users, they can search books based on unique identities, the name of the book, author’s name. There must be some filters available to search with keywords.

Issue and Return book:

This is for issuing and returning books and also maintaining the issue and return status in the database accordingly. Number updater for book features will work fine. The Library management system must be performing well with storing the issue data in the database.

Adding New books to the library:

In this feature  we can add new books to the library by the Administrator only. The system must enter and maintain the number of copies of each individual book in order.  And the administrator should allocate a unique key to each individual book.

Penalty charge:

By chance, if the user is unable to return the book by the return date then there would be a penalty charge based on the per day rate multiplied by the number of days. The system must update this status from time to time.
Once the penalty would be paid system will get updated within a few minutes.
Add on features we can put on the Online Library Management system.
Best add one features you can add in Library management system you can add notice board where any announcement related to college school and university or any education organization can put to show it to their users and they can take benefits, and you can give the option to staff and teacher to upload any lecture PDF or slide so, Student can download it.
Notice Board system is the best Add-on option to the Library management system

What is the Motto Behind Online Library Management System :

Therefore in today’s time every college school, university, and any education organization need a library and in the era of the internet, an Online Management system is the most wanted project.
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